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>> Saturday, July 4, 2009

when we talk about self esteem and confidence, it will never be me.

Aku ni banyak sangat yang aku tak puas hati about myself. The most clear prove is, aku delete aku punye Myspace bekurun yang dulu because aku ade problem ngan self esteem.

Ever since the existance of adobe photoshop, aku terasa we are living in the very very fake, plastic life. Honestly saying, I'm neither pretty nor ugly. Senang citer muka budak mecapak kat KLCC ngan Pavi kira lagi better arr dari aku. Yang duk smoking2 kat tangga, with shorts and biji biji tak shave kaki betul2 punye legs, and thick make up on their face. Im not that type. Ok la aku ade gak arr lepak kat tangga, but no smoky smoky ok.

Alright, now we are talking about my self confidence rite, I admit, I do envy those girls, urgh...they really have a good genetic though. Why they are so perfect? The facial expression, the body shape, the everything it's like so not me.

Aku bukan nak mengada ngada lar, cakap aku nie hodoh lar, gemowk lar, tegedik gedik complain kat blog kan macam certain spoil fucking brats girls yang tawu dorang lawa pastu cakap "OMG!! Im so ugly, I got pimple on my nose!!!" Pukis kau lar, pimple pun nak bagi tawu ke, beh baik report kat CNN terus kan!

Agak tension, biler korang tengok budak camwhoring, gambar bajet macam model sume sume tu. Sometimes aku do wish to be like them lar.

Sorry to "some"of my friends yang malu nak kuar ngan aku, or rase sympathy nak kawan ngn aku. Yea yea, Im not the HOT chick! I dont walk with my shorts or my tube! I'm flat (which the fact are so not true!!!)

Whatever it is, I thanked God =). I do have flaw. I aint perfect. I'm not born to be a super model. Or a TV star. but, He created me in good condition. Like a normal person.

Yes, Im the big but, the "Penelope", and the loser, you can say anything to me.... one thing for sure... I'm not afraid of being me.....


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