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>> Sunday, January 10, 2010

not knowing about the world lately makes me wondering, hey what happen huh? Everyone must know the 1Malaysia thing. I just received a message from hotlink 2 days ago, saying do I know about 1Malaysia. Yes or No. I was about to replied it but heheh no credit. Alright, frankly, i don't realy get it I don't the true version of 1Malaysia. Even after all the readings and stuff I still don't get it.
But what I believe, and I figured out the 1M concept is all about unity, like the same thing we've been fighting for since ages ago. Religious wise and the race stuff. Where I grew up, I never experienced the racist environment. Lucky me. I just love to have lots of friend no matter what color they are. It's so great if you could mix around with different races because we have different thoughts and ideas. Sometimes my friend and I do share some ideas and we love to talk about our own race especially food since I'm involved in food. Apart from that, the overseas friend makes the whole idea much more bigger, in other words, more knowledge that we earn and lots of new things we get to know.
Yea yea yea..I only get the 1M concept through unity of races. Hmm.. I have to know a lot more, just need to do more reading! hehehe.
Hey, without unity, there's no fusion of food people! Baba nyonya.??? duhhh. =)


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