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>> Friday, December 24, 2010

seriously idk what else should I post in here. so fucking crazy over how i met your mother I watch it again from season 1.

I can't sleep this few days, to be exact few weeks. I dun think so I sleep. My eyes were so heavy, but my soul are not in peace to sleep. kinda hate the situation cause I am so tired and tired.

hurmmm, I guess I've been telling people how I hate my life. Like everything about my life. What is fucking wrong with me seriosly! If so 2012 would be the end of the world, I would say Thank God! There's nothing left here for me. Living on this Earth is much more painful, is like a bridge to Hell. Im so sick of evrything.

I hate to give up, but I almost at the stage of giving up on my life. If were born to be stupid and idiot, I wont give a damn about my future. Go fuck the future and screw yourself up.

you can have so many cure to life but to me it doesnt really work. It is just a shield to cover up the flaws. Forgodsake! look at this life, you can wrote any kind of letters, love letters, joy letters or even sad letters but when you go round you going to go back to the same pattern of routine. "yesterday is always the different day" huh. Not at all....

I noe Im not going to live much longer. I just have the feelings that Im going to die soon. Not looking forward of death  anyway. Hurmm am I going to end up in hell or heaven??? God knows...

But what I know, someone will be happy if I die much sooner. That's what the "someone" wish for like everyday.. Don't worry, one day I'll die.

Before that, now Im officially 20. hope it's a good year for me. You know what, cherish yourlife with evry breath you take. Life doesnt give you a second chance =)


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