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>> Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Aku pelik kenapa perempuan mesti ada gila mereke secara tiba2, atau baran. Bila mereka baran, sumpah macam orang gila. Kadang2, ia membuatkan aku terasa gentar terhadap kaum hawa ini. Aku dah tak tahan tinggal dengan perempuan gila itu lagi. Takut2 aku pula yang menjadi gila. Fakta nye, memang aku hampir menjadi seperti perempuan gila itu.

Aku lagi heran dengan wujud nya lelaki bodoh. Yang gemar membutakan mata, memekakan telinga dan membisukan mulut. Seolah-olah tiada ape2 yang berlaku. Lelaki bodoh hanya bediri di belakang perempuan gila, memerhatikan sesuatu peperangan tanpa berbuat apa2, sedangkan, lelaki bodoh itulah yang sepatutnya meredakan sesuatu keadaan. Malang nya, semua lelaki menunjukkan kedayusan mereka terhadap perempuan2 gila. Sudah bnyak berlaku di depan mata ku.

Yea, walaupun aku ini tergolong daripada "bakal" menjadi perempuan gila, aku terasa tertekan melihat kebodohan kaum adam ini. Bukankah mereka yang sepatut nya menjadi ketua? Sekadar ketua di syarikat, sudah la! bila di rumah menjadi orang yang sungguh kerdil. Sungguh memalukan.

Aku tidak mahu menjadi perempuan gila, dan tidak mahu bersama lelaki bodoh.


>> Monday, December 28, 2009

WHEN we talk about depressed, there's a lot to talk about. People face depression like everyday. You feel sad and can't shake it. Study shows that 1 in 8 people in their teens face this common depression thing. Not so surprise, it mostly faced by girls. Hehe, girls can be so complicated at a time.
So, I did some reading, there's one girls who turn down her friends invitation to do some shopping, she don't really have no reason not to go out lar, but she just feel like not to. Instead, she just cram herself in the room and sleep. Wait, is that me??? Infact YES! Used to be me. I love to turned down my friends invitation and everything, rather making taik mate at home. So, i used to have this depression syndrome before? Hmm maybe.
Hey, how shall we overcome this problem huh?..
Okay, first of all, Im not a damn psychiatrist, but based on my experienced, just get over it lar.
It's hard to get over something, but like people always said 'time will heal you'. Don't ever do what the picture above did. He need to see a dentist but then he cancel the appointment because he don't want to face it. It will get worsened. Seriously.
One of my friend said, "It's easy to make decision, but it's hard to face the decision you have made"
So, it's easy for you not to go for dentist, but you have to take the risk, feel the pain in your ass dear =) All this thing can lead into depression. In my opinion, depression mostly comes from the decission that we have made.
Kinda suck right?
Alhamdullilah, now, I find my own peace. I'm not running away like that guy anymore. Like this one damn stud told me, "U have made your choice, take and face the risk"... Luckily it's not the wrong choice at all!!!! muahahahahhaha..


>> Sunday, December 27, 2009

YES! i only left 1 week being a couch potato! bestnyer!

As everyone know yesterday (Saturday), there was RTW9 concert. I was there, doing my job. It's like the best job ever, approach people and U get paid. Sounds easy rite? hahah not really, it depends on the people lar. Luckily the crowd there was damn fucking sporting kowt! Just doing part time job while bosaning at home.

Honestly speaking, Eim ask me to go to that RTW because he know that I am such a "budak pemalas"hahah, he said you will see all walks of life there. Yeah, lots of thing I saw. I love observing people. Kadang2 tengok dorang punyer lifestyle can be such an entertainment for us ouwh.

Not only that, I met new people and new friends, thats what Eim wants. I don't really have friend dulu. So, he just want me to start a new life jer. And more oppurtunity comes ahead!

People! i'm about to dye my hair! And finally after almost a year I'm not using contact lense, I just bought coloured contact "ametyhst"..hehehe.

As far as i remember, last time i dye my hair when I was in term 2..since I'm having a short hair now, da hitam balik. AND!!! I want to do some piercing! actually thought of doing dekat my eyebrow, when i checked the price is like frikin expensive kowt! $115. tamoh lar. So I just get another hole at my ears kasi brutal lagi! hehehehe...

Ouwh yeah, my new friend named Fiq. Seriosly, senang nak get along ngn ko.hahaha. Sometimes biler ko cakap kan, macam Eim sikit. Hehehe. Sorry aku tak leh lepak malam ngan ko. Aku budak baik suke duk umah. hehehehe!



>> Thursday, December 24, 2009

yup happy mery christmas. its christmas, the clock ticking telling me its 4.42 am. or in french, cinq heures dix huit du matin.

okay, funny fact for today, on my birthday itself, I just sign up for facebook. And on the day itselff too, I had an offer for job this Saturday for the Rock The World 9 thingy, actually my sis yang ajak lar. Owh that want not really a 'today' nyer fact lar, the fact for today is, aku and my sis lepak dgn Eim! Huahahahahhahah. Itu kelakar. hehehe~

urgh..what should I write here eik..write about life lagi ke? adoi mesti boring giler. My life bukanye bagus sangat kowt. Ala honestly most of girls yang same age ngn aku for sure dah pernah gi clubbing and stuff. aku x penah lagi arr. Hahah. Wait, that's the only thing lar aku tak penah buat kowt. Yang lain aku dah buat aku rase. Better me and those yang tawu je la yang tawu. There's no need for me to tell anyone here.
Sometimes kan I feel, those people yang having fun or enjoying their night life tu, dorang act macam "rusa masuk kampung" eh betul ke peribahasa tu. Lantak la kan, but, maybe they all happy kowt showing all those things. Takpe, since we are the so called democratic country kan, so they can do what ever they want to do lar. heheh.

hmm, I should find a new topic lar for my blog, even I know there's no one will read my blog.hahahah..

Ok it's 5.30 am, Cinq heures et demi du matin and I still can't sleep. Should I watch porn? Nahhh, red tube laoding lame sangat lar.. hahahah.. Last time I watch porn pun kat my friend punyer handphone, porn paling hodoh sekali, those yang giler tengok porn, dorang tawu la, yang makan taik each other tur. Eeewww, taik dorang besar2 pulak. Me and my friends, let the names remain unknown heheheh tengok porn for fun and kiterang kutok2 style sex porn star. hahaha yang paling mulut bising aku arr, complain ni la tu la.. Bodoh kan kawan2 aku ni, tengok porn same2.. tapi SUMPAH RARE!!!! hehehehe


>> Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I'm 19 today..another year to 20 which the moment where I should get serious, more and more responsibilities coming ahead..haiyooo! tak suke nyer!

PiCtures..pIctures and more PICTURES!!!!!

-first picture of the old 19 amirah. yeah baby!-

- from left Char, at the back Eim and Me (sorry otw to Ikano D'mansara)-

-At "The Steamboat" Eim U look like want to cekik me lar-

-FOOD!! cepat lar datang. aku dah kebulur.huhuh-

-my noodle beef!-

- steam bebeh STEAMM!!!-

- go Char! (he's been force by us not to use fork n spoon, sampai tangan die cram gune chopstick.hehe)-

-the fugly and the pigle-

-the KANGKANG mousketeers (Hartamas playground before sending Eim home)-

-ehem..act 19 Amirah not 9 =.=-



Thank you guys, U guys rock my day =) (everyday)

U guys are not just my college friend, but my very damn best besties!! U guys are there when I'm sad sober or happy. I received lots of ugly feedback from people when I'm friend-ing u guys, but hey, they don't know U guys as much as I do. I don't care if people see me changing to be a bad person, but I don't think so I'm bad, U guys teach me what's real life is especially U Eim. Hey man, I know your dark history but I gotta tell you, YOU ARE NOT MUCH OF A BOY FRIENDS +_+... Kau sumpah RARE Eim!

Thanks a bunch. I love U guys a lot =)



>> Monday, December 21, 2009

"why the heck are U saying sorry for??"....

thats what my friend always said to me..
Im saying sorry for no reason.. huh.

It is supposed to be "the hardest word" but not to me I guess. I'm used to say sorry to this 'uncivilized' person before. That person always craving for my 'sorry'.. stupid man!

Too much things have I learn. World has teach me to be strong. I thought I am strong, but sadly I ain't strong. It is so devastating to know that U are just weak as the rest of the Eve in this whole world. My prediction on my future life has gone wrong. First of all, Im predicting that well, my life going to be just okay. No one will come to me and stab me. Nahh..never happen before. God damn! I have wound in my bloody heart! I'm hurt by someone. It feels more than being stab or cut with a sparkling sharp knife (Victorinox brand bnyk baek punye!) hehehe.. It feels more than sucks or more than the smell of your diarrhea shit!
And again, I thought I can heal this wound, till now I don't really see the changes. It's getting worst. I tried and keep on trying to patch back all this broken mirrors, there's still missing of few pieces, I cant find it.. It's gone..with the missing small tiny diomondly glasses am I going to be alright? Even I cant put them together? Hurmm.. I know deep inside my little heart says that
"U are going to be just fine"
With all the songs that link to my life, makes me feel more shitty! I hate this. Why can't I just move on.
Do you think, when we trying to move on, we are like trying to runaway from our past? Our dark secret?
Am I running away? Or am I facing it? Damn!
Regardless of the way the life treating me, I'm not going to be the left out person. I'm not going to be the backstage person. Not the nerd I use to be. Not the shy one.
Because, as far as I concern, I want people to notice me. I want to be heard. Go to hell with my damn shitty life. I don't care. U know why? This wound will heal by itself if I have completely succeed fulfill the last stage of Maslow's hierarchy- *Self Actualization* hey..just saying if I listen to your songs doesnt mean I miss you, If I think of you doesnt mean I love U.. Hey, I can stand up staright without fail if you are not beside me. Duhh..


>> Friday, December 18, 2009

I just watch this lovely movie " City of Angels" staring Nicolas Cage my god damn hero! Okay I've watch this movie like trillionz times I guess same goes to V for Vendeta..it's totally my favorite lar.. hehehe..

How cool is that an angel falling in love with human... Arhhhh chomel nyer, but it was an ugly ending.. why you have to die Mag!!! Is like Seth being a human for nothing...

But the best dialogue I ever heard in my life, when this one angel talk to Seth " If U knew it's going to happen, will U do that (be a human)?"

Seth said " I would rather have a breath of her hair, feel the kiss of her mouth, have a touch of her hand, and have an eternity life with her"..... pergh bapak cair sial dgr!

Im such a couch potato skarang ni, holiday sucks lar...

this is my face when im bored...
and here come shasha for stealing the boredomeness lime light hehe..
so, dengan bebesar hati nye (x la besar sgt pown) I present U...Mr.Naruto..hehehehe..ouwhh sexy!

anyway, sampai skarang I cant do a great pancake! selalu tak jadi. So, I want to google up how to make a pancake batter and Tuile... hehehe..


>> Saturday, December 12, 2009

it's a sin??

i have know idea.. maybe..but with the naked eyes..yes it seems so..

it is so dangerous if im hating someone.. all the bad things that they have done, I might go for revenge..

Im talking all the bad things about someone that I hate. I know I should not do that. But, all the things that i spilled, is not a liar. It is all true. Finally, I have the guts to pull my trigger.

if i sound mean, not yet.. hey the dark secret that lies beneath the truth still safe on me. So anyone that have their dark secret with me, no worries..

Maybe I will keep continuing commit this sins until I gain my satisfaction...

God...please forgive me... it's the only way to free my soul from that dumbass...aminnn


>> Friday, December 11, 2009

waittt!!! skunk nie bloging pown ade sistem penapis ker?? alamak! shit! urghh baru nak kutuk budak bedebah tur!



halo people!!! muahahahha...

sickening holiday!!! waiting for my final term
nxt year move to the lakeside campus lor... bile bukak radio korang dengar lar iklan yang membosankan tur...


Im exited for our new campus!!!! its damn gorgeous kowt! at bundar sunway nyer area... now im having problem =(

dunnoe how tto tell my mama, that i really need to stay near my campus.. there is like no transportation to go to the new campus.. adelar transprt coz ade shuttle.. but then duhh u'r talking about TIME with the wrong people! kalau aku lambat than the shuttle bus blah abeh aku nak pegi class camne?? urgh!!!

nway.. hehehehe.. Amirah yang di sangka sangka kan baik ini telah membuat sesuatu yang jahat! amirah notty!

my dad received a warning letter from my college, Fuhh nasib baik aku dapat amek letter tu awal thanks to my baby babi punye Eimran... heheh i love to call u babi coz ko suke panggil aku babi! He also received that warning letter! muhahahah. Ok that warning letter about our absentee jer..

haish... tapi 3 kali jer tak datang... mane teruk pown... hehehehe..

manusia2 sekalian, 22 DISEMBER is the day to remember!!!! why???

Bday aku!!!! bday aku!!!!! tolong celebrate tuk aku!!!! hahahhahahhahaha

omg im so crazy lorrr... after this breaking up thingy... ouwhhh nobody can let me down!!!

To him... to whom shall it be... jap eik...


yea i noe of writing that makes me so immature..but duhhh i dun giv a fucking damn!!!!
he think he'es winning this game... woaahhh you are wrong... seriously you are messing with the wrong girl man!!!!

I am happy with my decision of not making you as my bloody future... kalau tak... sampai ke anak cucu aku mati kene dera ngan ko!

fuhh! ade gune gak eik blog ni... hehehe...

hey this is my new special friend.. ugly as you can see..but handsome in the inside....
hehehehehe.... I present you,,, Eimran...the so called pro suffer..which he never surf before apart from the polystyrene surfing board that he took from library!!! huahahahahhaha.. Ko ni kan Eim kadang2 chomel lar..

nie new pic.. kat Hartamas squre nyer area.. Amsyar you owed us k! we really find u a private place to shi sha n u can even watch ur X-Man! huh!


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