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>> Friday, December 18, 2009

I just watch this lovely movie " City of Angels" staring Nicolas Cage my god damn hero! Okay I've watch this movie like trillionz times I guess same goes to V for Vendeta..it's totally my favorite lar.. hehehe..

How cool is that an angel falling in love with human... Arhhhh chomel nyer, but it was an ugly ending.. why you have to die Mag!!! Is like Seth being a human for nothing...

But the best dialogue I ever heard in my life, when this one angel talk to Seth " If U knew it's going to happen, will U do that (be a human)?"

Seth said " I would rather have a breath of her hair, feel the kiss of her mouth, have a touch of her hand, and have an eternity life with her"..... pergh bapak cair sial dgr!

Im such a couch potato skarang ni, holiday sucks lar...

this is my face when im bored...
and here come shasha for stealing the boredomeness lime light hehe..
so, dengan bebesar hati nye (x la besar sgt pown) I present U...Mr.Naruto..hehehehe..ouwhh sexy!

anyway, sampai skarang I cant do a great pancake! selalu tak jadi. So, I want to google up how to make a pancake batter and Tuile... hehehe..


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